Sunday, June 29, 2008

Double Victory

"At last"- These two words come to my mind as i start scribbling on this electronicosphere. I wanted to start writing and be a citizen of this world for sometime but my laziness won over me quiet frequently and somehow even after reading so many blogs over here i could not start( No i was not like this, i think one of my friend groomed me in this direction). But today, finally i have been able to win over this lethargic attitude and what a win it is - much better than Spain over Germany in Euro-08. I also won the bet for this final to the same friend. So its a double victory against him.
I think i should stop writing all this crap for now as its monday morning and office guys are starting to gear up. Soon i will hear the phrase "ISSUE HO GAYA" and that will set the tone for the coming five days.

Double Victory

"At last"- These two words come to my mind as i start scribbling on this electronicosphere. I wanted to start writing and be a citizen of this world for sometime but my laziness won over me quiet frequently and somehow even after reading so many blogs over here i could not start( No i was not like this, i think one of my friend groomed me in this direction). But today, finally i have been able to win over this lethargic attitude and what a win it is - much better than Spain over Germany in Euro-08. I also won the bet for this final to the same friend. So its a double victory against him.
I think i should stop writing all this crap for now as its monday morning and office guys are starting to gear up. Soon i will hear the phrase "ISSUE HO GAYA" and that will set the tone for the coming five days.