Friday, July 23, 2010

Dream Job

APJ Abdul Kalam says - "Dream is not what you see when you sleep; dream is something that doesn't let you sleep".
Now don't think of adding a dreadful three letter word 'job' after 'Dream' in the above quote. You will be in problem.

Dream - An amazing word. When get added before some ordinary words, lifts them up.
Job is one such ordinary word.
Most of us do job but how many of us are into their dream jobs ?
I can sense the reply, "Its a dream to be in a dream job."
But before that. Most of us know what job is all about but how many of us have an idea about a dream job?

I guess dream job will vary from person to person. It depends on many things.
It may depend upon the background the person come from. For example for a young boy of a village it could be to serve into army. For a son of a constable it could be to serve as a IPS officer. It may depend upon circumstances. So when you don't have a house, any job that pays you enough to buy one is a dream job.

Let me think what can be my dream job. It should be something i would love to enjoy so as to keep myself in sync with the saying, “Find a job you enjoy, and you’ll never work a day in your life".

OK! Found it. Is there any organization, employer or a government out there who can pay me for dreaming?
Yes you heard that right. Any job opening for a dreamer? If you can refer me i will dream for you as well. Does it sound absurd? Yes it does. I know. But as George Bernard Shaw says, " You see things; and you say,'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say,'Why not?' "

There is a contest in blogadda in partnership with pringOO called My dream job. See dreams have values. I am on the right path.