Observation is a great way to spend time. Try to observe things around you and chances are you will find something interesting. If you put that interesting thing for analysis in your brain, you may find some pattern, correlation or deviation. Have you ever observed the role played by cellphone in the life of people whose marriage gets fixed or arranged by their parents or guardians ? I have. These observations have been collated over a number of years seeing my friends, relatives, office colleagues & flatmates.
As soon as people get fixed (pardon me for using the word 'fixed', but this word is used so freely) cellphone gets a new life in their life. They get hooked to their cellphones like never before. Their time gets divided into two parts. One in doing things and other in reporting those things over phone. The romance gets kicked off on cellphone and 24 hours become less in a day. The people for whom cellphone will be the last accessory to carry when they leave for office, may forget to wear their underwear but can no longer be separated from their cellphones. Many a times a person has to buy a separate phone and a service plan to keep that hot line always alive, uncluttered and/or cheap . Cellphone no longer remains 'Single'. Yes, it's a bit ironical that the cellphone loses its Single' status and get a companion before its possessor. The person will now have two cellphones, two numbers and of course two bills. I remember about that reliance phone handset which became a symbol of 'committed' status. Similarly there are other behavioral patterns one can easily imagine.
I wonder why telecoms operators fighting so hard for market share in India don't have any plans to cater to needs of people who are about to get married ( If they have one then i am ignorant ). May be they can tie up with matrimonial websites and launch some attractive offers and plans and also consider spamming our mailbox. May be the parents or guardians can consider giving a cellphone and some talk-time to their children once the deal (again sorry for the word ) is done. A advertisement on theme of arranged couple would certainly look nice for a service provider.
P.S. I am not yet married