Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Airtel Ad!!

In Good Humor only!!

Recently there has been new series of Ads of airtel featuring R. Madhvan and vidya balan and one of them really forced me to think about how girls think?. I know i may sound male chauvinist. One of this Ad is about money transfer utility from your cellphone using Airtel operator. It goes like this
The man ( R. Madhvan ) comes from office and apparently looks tired. She asked ( vidya balan) the obvious questions:-"
Thak gaye?" ( Who will say he is not tired after coming from office ? )"
Aaj bahut kaam tha?" ( What else you do at office ?..work, work and more work )
"Lunch kiya?" ( As if she didn't want to feed him with dinner if he already had lunch..he he)
All this is i guess normal girls behaviour to show their caring attitude and how much they feel for their partners but here comes the final golden question for which i think she has been waiting the whole day anxiously to ask him --"Papa ko paise bheje?"
I have 1 question to her if she is so concerned about transferring money and if it is so important to transfer money then why didn't she do it herself ? I know she is not ignorant to use the cellphone because in other Ad of the same series she is shown giving instruction to him for a party over phone. I guess Airtel tried to play and make use of this quality of girls -- that they will always remember what has to be done but will still try to attack at his ego by reminding him and feel a sense of pride in it. Not good for females. Feminists should oppose this Ad.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Corporate Comedy - Communication at workplace

Dedicated to my friend Anmol who got sick of these "words of wisdom" but now as usual have learnt to make a mockery of them. Now he constantly entertain us using these phrases with us and make a highly comical and stress relieving gibberish. He has acquired the art of doing it so well that in between discussing general things he uses them so glibly like a hot knife passing through butter.

"Lets see how much bandwidth is available"

"It would be an issue"

"Raise it as an open issue"

"Issue ho gaya"

"Take it as your action items"

"Need to mitigate risk"

"What are your concerns"

"Its your own call"

"Lets see what are the possibilities"

"Be proactive"

"Take Initiative"

...and many more.