Saturday, March 31, 2012

Horn NOT OK Please!

I was on a two wheeler waiting patiently at the red light of traffic signal. Behind me was a car constantly blowing horn at every 4 seconds. How am I supposed to move ? How can I give way to this impatient, senseless and insensitive car fellow ? I wish I was shaktimaan or superman and could take a jump high in the sky to let him get ahead of me. I wish there was light in the rear of my two wheeler which would blink and show middle finger every time there was a horn from this car fellow. If he still did not understand what I mean I wish I could press a button which would show FUCK in the rear light. If some automobile company provides these features in rear lights do let me know, I will buy its vehicle at once.If there is none, someone should starting implementing this and pay me the royalty.

Honking unnecessarily has become the usual practice. It has become kind of a safety net. If I have blown the horn and if someone comes under my car, no one can blame me. The person under the car is to be blamed even if he has died. It is my vehicle, my fuel and my right to blow the horn. If I am in a hurry I have the right to make everyone deaf on road. No matter if the red light shows 100 seconds to go I will blow the horn. If I am driving a vehicle and someone ahead of me wants to cross the road, I will make sure I will blow the horn loud enough to scare him. How dare you cross the road in front of me ?

We do not want to slow down. We think if we keep blowing horn we have the right to maintain the speed. There are enough horns coming into your apartment on a Saturday afternoon that if somehow they stop you will feel something is wrong with the world. I am sure we have missed the whole point of having a horn in our vehicle. I am not sure who innovated the horn but for sure by now if he is alive he would have become deaf. 

How peaceful the world would be without these horns ?

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