Thursday, August 14, 2008

Leaders are produced at Traffic Signals

Infrastructure is a bottleneck ! I have heard and read it thousand times. It has become a cliche, used whenever we discuss problems faced by India. I think all of us agree on this. But one more question arises. Whatever infrastructure we have do we respect it? Take for example Roads. People break traffic rules as often they desire. Some of them do it for shortage of time, some do it to save fuel and some do it because they want to prove themselves smart.I also feel sometimes rules are broken because of lack of awareness and proper level of facilities available.

Every system takes time to evolve and so do i feel for Indian infrastructure. Its only our response and respect to it that its evolution can be done at a faster rate. Today this rate in India is very poor and is unable to keep pace with our population growth. To increase it we need to respect it and response to it in a constructive manner. Traffic jams are commonplace these days. I encounter them more than once a week while commuting to office. What i have observed is, the cause of it many a times is lack of patience and sensitivity towards others. You can find people loosing common sense and coming head on with other from both side without realizing it will lead to a deadlock. Once i was coming to office on bike and was waiting at red signal to go green. Suddenly one auto rickshaw came from behind, went past the red signal without realizing that in doing so one of its wheel passed over my feet. I was fortunate that my foot was firmly on road and it didn't cause any damage.
And to my amazement the driver was looking back at me and shouting for my fault! I could only laugh. What was my fault? I guess my fault was that i was sincerely honoring the rule and keeping all behind me wait. I thought who said we don't produce leaders in India. Just go to any traffic signal you will find a person breaking it and triggering a reaction from others who follow him. Don't we call a person a leader who has followers ?

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